
目前显示的是 十二月, 2013的博文

Big Data on OpenStack

OpenStack provides a management framework or a suite of tools to deal with the management tasks on various kinds of physical resources (such as computing or networking resources, storage, and VM images) in data centers. It pursues to not only improve the utilization of physical resources but also makes the tasks of resource management and provision easier and more convenient. It can work on the top of many currently popular virtualization hypervisors like KVM, XEN, which provide the virtualization environment on a single host. Simply speaking, OpenStack is a centralized resource management tool in data centers. MapReduce/Hadoop is a framework to provide the capacity of efficiently processing a huge number of unstructured data in data centers. In MapReduce, a request/job is separated into multiple tasks that will be processed on distributed hosts, such that shorter completion time can be achieved. Therefore an effective way to process big data in data centers is deploying MapReduc...

kindle 4(黑)去广告+换屏保

以下内容 在4.1.1固件下 测试通过 鉴于目前网上已有很多关于kindle 4 越狱的相关文章,因此这里就不过多复述了。各位同学可以参考如下文章: http://xmit.tumblr.com/post/45723933233/kindle4-4-1-1 PS:越狱和font hack 可以参考上面文章介绍的方法。但上文去广告和换屏保有部分内容有误,因此,请参考本文内容。 在正式工作开始之前需要给Kindle安装wifi补丁,方法可以参考如下文章: http://ycool.com/post/yerzj9r PS:这篇文章也介绍换字体的方法,但比上篇文章介绍的方法略麻烦一些。感兴趣的同学可以自行参考。 PS.PS:如果仅仅是为了换字体,那并不需要安装wifi补丁,只有去广告和换屏保需要打wifi补丁登陆到Kindle。 好了,整备工作完成以后就可以开始美化(?)我们的kindle了  :) (一下内容假设已完成越狱,并打完wifi补丁) Kindle 4 去广告+换屏保 1. 在Kindle 根目录下新建 screensaver 文件夹,将屏保图片放在此文件夹下 2. 通过wifi 登陆Kindle 3.输入如下命令 mntroot rw mv /opt/amazon/screen_saver/600x800 /opt/amazon/screen_saver/600x800_bak ln -s /mnt/us/screensaver /opt/amazon/screen_saver/600x800 rm -rf /mnt/us/system/.assets/* chmod 000 /mnt/us/system/.assets mv /opt/amazon/screem_saver/adunits /opt/amazon/screem_saver/adunits_bak mv /var/local/adunits /var/local/adunits_bak 4. 新建RUNME.sh脚本 vi /mnt/us/RUNME.sh 输入如下内容: mntroot rw if [! -f /var/local/adunits.bkp]; then       ...