国外留学 学习生活记录(6)
10/24/2012 - 10/28/2012 I had a talk with Hao Di about the problem I met when I read the paper, and I got known that the links also exist when the node are under a fault, despite the conncet existing between them in the network graph. In these few days, I have been working on the expand of Anne's model. I want to do some expand on the VN mapping algorithm of Anne's model to consider the situation where overlaps exist between VNs. Currently I don't consider that some tasks belonging to the same job are hosted onto the same physical server, in this situation the independent requirement from the machematics model will be broken. I wanted to use the probability and stochastic method to model this existing overlap, however I found it will become more complicated when the number of VNs increases, expecially when the overlap existing between multiple VNs and the parts of the overlaped region being shared by different number of VNs. In this case the condition probability for...